Saturday, August 4, 2012



while you escape from me 
i am bitter with forgiveness, 
you will never visit
and i am left bewildered

do i reign my horses
or let them loose over plain,
like thunder with our cries
like beauty in blue skies

perhaps we will know
whether it was meant to be
or if you did not equal me,
trudge on traveler weary

your only voice lies in an image
i am not even sure that you exist,
i am apt to dream fantastically
and memory is an elegant lie

the stars watch as we question
our very existence, our option
whether to plunge a sweet blade
or taste the breath of life's aid

one thing remains for us here:
to live as we have never done
for many wish to be free, gone
yet trap themselves under cone

one thing remains to be discussed
heated arguments fill our blood
and words spoken, heart flood
will we ever sustain our drown out

rising seas and scouring resources
the real answer lies behind struggle
chasing something we do not want
products we need to buckle, taunt

meet me where the sun hits cement
i will be lying there in suspense
hoping my mind's eye sees clearly
or if i am lied there by angels

the future unknown is clear
but a sharp picture of our past
do we hold dear to our bier
shift the engine, work the gear

i am no prophet, but a seer

James P McCabe



i feel your embrace
and the conjunction of memory
sweeping me free,
living painfully

no restraints or limits
but what are walls
erect, replace and rebuild
leave me to run uphill

good, cause your face
i may never replace
but will surely find its mate
in another time, place

how beautiful your caress
when you lie at your best
and cease to interrupt rest,
moments like ruby gems

if only we were always alike
and not asleep during the night
I would never have to write
or make jokes to spite

and the moon fills the night sky
covering everything in shadow,
or delicate moonbeam like dream
I have been sucked dry, lifeblood all

bring me to another time
where we dance and skate away
with nothing but our youth
children til this very day

i imagine past landscapes
and wish to construct it all
but am left wondering withal:
where did our innocence fall?

was it like a tree split into fours
or screaming inaudibly behind doors,
the evolution of time and freedom
mind dozing , jab the inoculation

a delicate and wonderful past
will make our future to enact,
and if we live free under no pact
we may yet call ourselves a fractal

coalescing and descending beautifully
we become one as a starlight mix
no one will ever hear our moans
or our death cries in night alone

we have but data to hold together
our own worlds, our thoughts
and we are lost in a binary spout
of which it holds almighty clout

there is no god but a computer
hidden inside a delicate plastic shell
waiting for my bloodboil hell
to rip and reconstruct its well

James P McCabe

Friday, June 1, 2012

a hole in my heart

a hole in my heart
insp. Schubert - Allegro moderato

there was a cold winter
with bitter rain, all froze
a favorite tree of a boy,
split equally in fours;
a thunderous noise, its fall

he overstepped his fallen brethren
and wondered if ever his heart could fill
or else wander forever until he decayed
and pondered how else to fill this hole;
years passed until he felt complete

the young sapling grew from his father
(a giant maple or oak split in fours)
and grew as quick as the boy (year by year)
until one day it stood the height it once was;
the man, no longer a boy, rejoiced that day

but this time was not to pass at present
for the young sapling was developing,
growing and multiplying its forearms rapidly
and who knew if ever its growth would cease;
the young man grew uneasy at the tease

this heart had begun to fill once more
with the rapid extension of tree limbs,
yet something was never quite right-
would he see young trunk to fruition?;
he could perhaps wander forever

his future unknown, like the oak
he dreamed of success and rapid ascendance,
all he could do was dream- nothing more
for who knew when he would be satiated;
his past habits did not satisfy wholly

a light he saw before him
questions, answers intertwined unfolded
before his very eyes but short-sighted was he
and not able to perceive the nature of knowledge;
bewildered, he stumbled through valleys

though exhaustion claimed his senses
he could but reach out with long limbs,
drawing the world with his fingertips
the expansive maze grew clearer;
few truths dawned on his young mind
-                                                                        James P McCabe                                           Part 1 End

Thursday, May 31, 2012

lying in wait

lying in wait

here I am, lying in wait
for a magical mistress
she may bewitch me,
I am happy she can;
now I miss her so

for the ones that lay
beneath fire sheets with me-
a lucky few seen gift,
how different is reality;
how glad am I to live

I wish she would grant me:
free reign over her curved torso,
passage to conquer her wholly
now all fade...
the morning is our time to shine

maybe one day we will know
if ever love was as strong as ours,
or if we kid ourselves on long nights
the tempest changes course instantly...
and I am left bewildered in the wake

in my mind, I may fly anywhere
rest atop a mountain then sail to sea
even find myself knelt beside she
for even if our time was short (long)
it shan’t be forgotten, like our expressions

I don't know if ever she will climb me
or if she will understand what she had,
but I can guarantee that many passages
written and unwritten- are given a voice;
unlike my desires throughout the year

she may grow tired of me, annoyed even
but I will claim that when she lies before another
her mind will linger to our long nights
her poor memory will retain some details...
her heart will remember all that passed

if I could mail a letter to past partner
she would receive it kindly, and with luck
may she proceed through this life undeterred
and reverent to past loves (she still knows me);
was I ever unchanged from birth

James P McCabe

Monday, March 19, 2012

the best most createst

the best most createst

the best most createst man lived in a small room
with dusty cobwebs his neighbors,
and a stuck, dry room to call his own;
his bed was shaped like a flattened rock
and he slept upon it, smiling smock

that many moved out of his smallest room
to a larger room, with ventilation, upstairs
he could maybe claim another in his bed;
was glad to receive a good herb instead
and happily, humbly took his stay

a sailor’s cap he had donned, white
and wore a collared-shirt, white
but wore black soles underneath feet;
destined for his peddling or walking
he knew the town, inside and out

friends’ willing hands eagerly treated decor
and one’s wrists whipped dust from the floor
his would-be lounge was empty and clean;
the elevation of his mind was grinning mean
and eyes, half-open, gleam beneath pink lids

soon work would give him little respite
from a, at times, grim and bleak light
his friends were close as thread on spool;
and willing to throw in with a greenish hue
or a magenta, blanketed inside of capsule

James P McCabe

Sunday, February 19, 2012



old friends, family and food
make an inspired, delectable mood;
oh the stories to tell
and history to recount-
we grow again together

with great thoughts roaming
am left wondering alien landscapes:
where to go with legs energetic
spinning wildly through time/space-
love denoted beauty on face

new names and features,
how eager the ear to listen
when among good company;
now fly free white bird
sail over foreign cloud absurd

the future is unwritten by a
thousand scribes divining why,
forever pondering in flight;
my the wings now outstretched
and bruises left to heal

and an open wound is unsown
my very heart I may disown
yet its feelings I cannot ignore,
nor the ceiling to stare at from floor;
many paths winding, future finding

mood climbing or wanderers' timing
with exactness the deliverance of victory-
spent frugally or anonymously
each event shares its importance;
whether cut short or prolonged with short notice
"his discolored, sallow eyes gazed deeply into.."
"eternity, which stretched forever onwards..."
"groping fingers for crag on precipice found little.."
"great hope grew beneath an exhausted demeanor..."
"he climbed until the sky knighted his shoulders with mist..."

"and walking through the clouds, great revelations came..."
"a figure appeared before him dressed in white gown..."
"his failing eyes grew watery with the divine sight..."
"hope sprang inside his stolid heart, and he wept..."
"four miniscule droplets of vapor dotted his every pore..."

"raising his hands upward, he walked through stratus and cirrus..."
"and just as he thought the journey's enlightenment was done..."
"the descent over a green valley, wide and fertile, waited for him..."
"he sprang into the jungle with every inch of skin devoted to explore..."
"the humid atmosphere enveloped him, body and soul, completely..."

"she waited with feet tapping, mind wondering and wandering..."
"her dream man was suffering gradually, though he enjoyed the cadence..."
"his shorn face and inebriated mind welcomed all experience..."
"many of them waited for his call, one day, to summon and live..."
"though weary, he pressed ever onwards, knowing the awards ahead"

James P McCabe